Surf or Die with Joel Grind of Toxic Holocaust and Davie Allan


Listen to two tracks from the upcoming split 10″ below.

If you look out your window right now you will notice, from the oppressive dark and piles of frozen corpses, that it is still fucking winter. Fortunately, there is hope: March 13th marks Daylight Savings Time. Soon, we may leave work at 5PM and see the sunset rather than eternal blackness. To celebrate those coming days of bikinis, bikes, and beers, Joel Grind teamed up with surf guitar legend Davie Allan to collaborate on a filthy surf record that will soundtrack your beach blanket babylon.

Metalheads should be well familiar with Joel Grind for his long-running black thrash band Toxic Holocaust, as well as his work behind the boards for groups like Lord Dying and Bastardizer. You may be less familiar with the work of Davie Allan, a man who pioneered fuzzed-out surf guitar tunes for scuzzy 1960s biker films like The Wild Angels and The Born Losers.

Joel Grind explained the inspiration behind this collaboration to Noisey: “This record was an idea I had after being inspired by some old biker movie music, which turned out to be the music of Davie Allan. This lead to me getting in contact with him and proposing the idea of a split, which to my surprise he was into! This is sure to get a few mixed reactions from people expecting more metal-oriented material but this record is just as fuzzy and blown-out as ever, just with a different twist. All Hail Fuzz! All Hail Davie Allan!”

Davie’s track “Buzz Saw Effect”, the most swingin’ song here, appears to open with the bump-worthy bridge of “Friday Night” by The Monarchs. This is a pure surf tune totally drenched in fuzz, as the name would imply. Joel’s track “The Invisible Landscape” feels like straight-ahead speed metal with 75% less distortion than we’re typically accustomed to from the man. Apply some zinc oxide and peep these tracks yourself.

This record drops March 11th through Relapse. Preorder the limited 10″ vinyl here.

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