Photo Chop: 9th Edition


A lifetime employment to Skynet has allowed me access to some particularly awful pictures lately, and you flushers have not disappointed in your choppings. Prepare for more awkward awfulness in entries to come, but right now let’s all congratulate MoshOff for his winning entry in our last edition.


Nicely done MoshOff, get in touch with Papa Joe to see if you’ve won anything. It’s hard to tell week-to-week if P.J. Thrashnkill’s Glorious Frostbittentacular Slamtabulous Skronk-O-Matic Blackened Prize Desk Ov Hell will bear fruit. It’s been a long winter.

Next week on To Catch A Goth: Chris Hansen pays a visit to a local IHOP at 3AM in order to catch notorious platform boot-wearer and ball chain necklace aficionado SoLiTaS AeTuRnAs as he unsuccessfully hits on young girls spilling out of the under-21 club at the strip mall (the one between the abandoned Burger King and the derelict State Farm agency, not the one across the street from the Piggly Wiggly where that 64 yr-old guy was caught having sex with a shopping cart behind the grease dumpster).

In the meantime, let’s take a look at the rest of this slightly deformed family tree and check in on these girls’ parents, no doubt a hard-working, respectable couple who, despite many hardships in this economic downturn, managed to raise two headstrong and intelligOH GOD NO


Stab to embiggen (via)

The rules:

  • Keep it safe for work
  • Be creative & use whatever tools you want; “talent” or “skill” is not required
  • Post your entry in a new Disqus comment below
  • Entries will be judged on the number of upvotes they receive
  • The winner will be announced in the following week’s edition and might win… something!

Have fun with that one. Huzzah?

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