Photo Chop: 13th Edition


We continue the decimation of all things choppable.

For the first time in this series’ illustrious history, our last edition has produced two (2) winners. Please congratulate tertius_decimus for winning the popular vote and for being all aboot that Canadian wildlife…


…and let us also congratulate J.R. for his spot-fucking-on nailing of the “immediate win” parameters: a silhouetted ninja drinking from a mead horn. Behold.


Well done gentlemen, be sure to get in touch with Papa Joe to see if there’s anything waiting for you in the magic bag ov prizes. If not, I’ll happily send you both a random audio file (which may or may not include a toilet flush… okay it’ll include a toilet flush, I have hundreds of them).

And now that the ashes of the old Photo Chop building (never forget) have been scattered by the wind, let’s have a look at the next target from that same incredible gallery of fiery European festivals, where brawny warriors hack and chop away at mighty oak and ash trees for their war-bringing longships, and quaff powerful fermentations to fuel both the honoring of their gods and the bravado of their fighting spirits, and uh… drink coffee in a local basement. Hey everybody needs their caffeine, y’know?


Stab to embiggen (via)

The rules:

  • Keep it safe for work
  • Be creative & use whatever tools you want; “talent” or “skill” is not required
  • Post your entry in a new Disqus comment below
  • Entries will be judged on the number of upvotes they receive
  • The winner will be announced in the following edition and probably won’t win anything


  1. Add a few timely portraits to the picture frames, or
  2. Suddenly, Rowdy Roddy Piper
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