Win a Killer, Crusty Package from The Human Race Is Filth


Are you fed up with the man, man? Are you sick and tired of all these garbage people ruining everything? Are you writing in “The Meteor” in the 2018 midterms? Lean into that anger and win a free, siqq package courtesy of blast mongers The Human Race Is Filth! Get in here, mosh out, and win a free shirt, CD, poster, and more!

Human Exposed is the debut EP of two veteran punk musicians (Paul Folk and Kasey Harrison), and their pedigree – including such diverse acts as Police StateMans Plague, and Exterminance – shines through in the raw aggression and ragged tension of this first release. Across these five tracks, you’ll find a barbarous profundity of d-beats, rawhide riffs, and billowing feedback sure to give you a hate-filled contact high. Human Exposed is a short release, but that brief duration means you can stab repeat and keep yourself in a grind-meets-crust-meets-sludge-meets-doom cubicle-destroying whirlwind of free energy in perpetuity.

And for one of our lucky readers, you can get your grubby mitts on the EP totally gratis.

The Rules

As we did with Attan, we’re running a misheard lyrics contest in cooperation with the band themselves. Here’s what you’ve got to do.

  1. Listen to “Race Waste”
  2. Write your own lyrics to the cadence of Paul and Kasey’s shrieking
  3. Post those lyrics in the comments below

That’s it. Paul and Kasey will check out the submissions and choose a winner!

The Prize

If you’re the funniest trash panda in the dumpster, you’ll receive.

  • Free shirt
  • Free CD
  • Free poster
  • Free stickers

Remember, jam the song below and submit your best misheard lyrics.


And if you don’t win, you can still get the album on Bandcamp for “Name Your Price.” Be sure to hit up the band on Facebook while you’re at it! Good luck and have fun!

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