Want to be the new drummer for Behold… The Arctopus?


You. YEAH YOU. The dingus playing 7/5 drums at 4 AM. Want to play drums with Colin Marston? Get in here.

Techy weirdos Behold… The Actopus are looking for a new drummer and YOU just might fit the bill. Let’s do a quick test. Does this junk make any sense to you?

What the fuck is this

Yeah, me either. BUT FOR THE REST OF YOU, Colin Marston (of Gorguts, Dysrhythmia, Krallice, a fuck ton of production credits) and his band Behold… The Arctopus is looking for a siqq drummer to lay down some massive biddly biddly bomp beats over weird widdly widdly womp melodies. The band has recently separated from former drummer “Weasel Walter” so this is your chance to shine as the new Badger Barry. Or Marmot Marion. Or something.

You’ll just have to audition by video so it doesn’t really matter where in the world you live. Horrorscension, the band’s last album came out in 2012 so supposedly they have a full album’s worth of material ready to go. They just need YOU.

Here’s the word straight from the band’s Facebook page:

New year, new music, new drummer? We have amicably parted ways with the talented and busy Weasel Walter and now need YOU to be our drummer.

Some things to consider…

We notate our music, including drum parts. But we welcome changes to the written music that maintain the spirit of the composition, and add your own personal touch to the parts.

We usually don’t rehearse a lot. If you live in NYC, we might get together a couple of times a month. If you live in Norway, even less. Realize that most learning will be done on your own and rehearsals are for usually for ironing out weird details and bringing up the tempos. The easier it is for you to learn parts on your own, the better fit you will be.

That’s about it. Here’s an average looking drum part (see above). If it makes sense to you, and you’re interested, tell us who you are and send us a video of your playing. We want to give anyone who’s really interested the chance to learn 2 new songs and convince us that you are the new drummer.

So whatchoo think? Can you hang with these skronky tunes? If so, hit Colin up!

 Big ‘ol thanks to Rory for hitting us up with this info.

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