Tech Death Thursday: Aronious


Only brain-scramblage and face-meltage await within. This is Tech Death Thursday, and today, we’re talking about Aronious.


– Dominic Forest Lapointe (whom you should all know as the former bassist for Beyond Creation) is once again working with Terminus Est. Does this mean the album is coming soon? Of course not! Due to Obscura’s financial/travel issues with Summer Slaughter, the album has been pushed back to next year sometime. Butts. On the plus side of things, they’re also auditioning new drummers with the intent of being able to tour North America.

– Sunless Rise, while not strictly tech death, have finally put their stellar 2009 promo up on Bandcamp with plans for a full-length sometime this Fall.

– If you like your tech with slamz, Compulsive Lobotomy have posted a couple demo tracks from their upcoming album. Be warned: the snare is atrocious.

– Hate Eternal are streaming Infernus over at Revolver. Look for this beast on August 21st.

– Spencer Prewett is still better at drums than most people are at anything.

– No Clean Singing have premiered a new track by The Ritual Aura, entitled “Erased in the Purge.” Laniakea will be available from Lacerated Enemy on August 27th.

Jack Bauer touched briefly on Aronious way back on his “Under the Radar” post, back when we were still young and full of joy and life (god, we were lame). Ironically, it still managed to slip under most peoples’ radars, so here we are. Aronious have built their identity from a variety of sounds condensed into a contiguous and singular style. Sludgy dissonant chords and Allegaeon-style grooves are interwoven with flashy melodic passages, all wrapped in a highly polished package. When it’s all brought together, it sounds like what Sun Eater would have been had Job For A Cowboy gone pure tech on that album. I know there will be some people who are turned off by the hyper-slick (bordering on djenty) production, but it really lends itself to this style of music. The low notes cut through perfectly, even during the faster parts, but don’t edge out the drums or the bass. Truth in Perception is an exceptionally strong showing for a new band, and I look forward to seeing where Aronious goes in the coming years.

If you like what you heard, you can check out Aronious on Facebook. Truth in Perception is available on Bandcamp at name-your-price, so GO GET IT! RIGHT NOW!

Until next time,

Stay Tech

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