Sunday Sesh: Sacred Son Gets Chopped


Just how far can a single selfie go?

In case you missed it, a rather innocuous one-man bedroom black metal album was released last week. That’s it. An album was released. Apparently that’s all it takes to make fucking nerds MadOnline™ these days. I’m not going to quibble about the music or artwork, Richter has already made a much more poignant and nuanced statement than I ever could. Also, it’s Sunday. Let’s just photoshop his head onto some famous album covers/band photos instead. Some of us spent a few minutes having a laugh doing our own Sacred Son photochops on Friday, take a look at what Boss The Ross, Stocky, Joe, Richter, and I came up with then go forth and post your own attempts in the comments section.


Boss The Ross



They’re our quick photoshop efforts, here’s a couple of .png cut-outs to get you started. Send your e-cheques to and we’ll use the donations to fund a struggling black metal elitist’s search for social skills. Post your efforts/complain in the comments.


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