Submit your nomination for THE WORST METAL SONG OF ALL TIME!


We’re running a thrilling new series and this is your chance to get involved. Help us find *dramatic pause* THE WORST METAL SONG OF ALL TIME.

We like metal ’round these parts. Over the last couple of years we’ve published almost 3000 posts about metal and how much we like it. In short, it’s alright in our books. THAT BEING SAID, I don’t believe you can truly love something unless you also kind of hate it. When metal is great, it takes us to an intoxicating high that rivals the finest spirits distilled by man. But you can’t know the greatest joys of metal without being intimately familiar with the bitter chasms that this genre regularly bottoms out in, like a drunkard that slips on a banana peel and falls off a mountain while stumbling home from the pub. Let us gather together and embrace the nadir, rather than averting our eyes from the bloody, stinking mess

In this spirit of wallowing in shit, it is time to announce a brand new Toilet ov Hell competition: THE WORST METAL SONG OF ALL TIME. Over the next couple of weeks we’re going to pit the worst metal songs of all time against each other in head to head combat to determine the most rotten song in a field littered with heinous garbage. Today we need your help in filling out the brackets.

We’ve posed the question on Facebook, in our social club, and now, here. All you need to do is leave the stankiest metal track you can think of in the comments. We’ll populate the bracket with the worst songs and then make them fight it out to determine the shittiest of all.

Good luck, and may the shit be with you.

(Thanks to McNulty for nominating this garbage ass song!)

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