Shirt Stains: Wait And Frisbee Golf



If a band can put their name, logo, or likeness on something and make a profit, they’ll probably do it. Just ask KISS and The Misfits. Of course, they’re not the only band to do that. It seems like every other day, there is a new band putting out their own beer or hot sauce or ice cream. That sort of branding and merchandising appeals to a relatively wide audience. It’s when merch springs from a band or band member’s specific hobby where things can get, well, interesting.


Slipknot guitarist Mick Thomson (this guy) is an avid fan of disc golf. You may also know disc golf as frisbee golf, frolf, or “sorry, I was too busy not being a nerd in college.” [Editor’s Note: Frisbee Golf is a game invented by and intended for marijuana addicts] The game boils down to throwing a frisbee into a basket with some golf rules thrown in for good measure. Somewhat impressively, the Professional Disc Golf Association is a real thing that really exists. In the music world, and especially heavy metal, this may be one of the tamest and safest hobbies to have and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Good for Thomson to avoid the trappings of the rock and roll lifestyle and focus on something fun and outdoorsy. It is far better than getting into a knife fight with your brother.

Thomson’s love of the game goes so deep that he has gotten his own set of Slipknot-branded discs. As of right now, these aren’t for sale, but as someone who remembers people shelling out over $100 (in early 2000s money) for a Slipknot coverall, I have no doubt that their rabid fanbase would definitely buy these. Sure, they may just use the discs as makeshift plates to hold their Hot Pockets and off-brand jalapeno poppers, but they would cherish them nonetheless. Who knows? Maybe we’ll see a bunch of Maggots running around your local park, playing frisbee golf and Pokemon Go at the same time. If you listen closely, you can hear the jingle jangle of all the chains and zippers on their Tripp pants.

These custom discs have plenty of other uses anyway. You can place them under an uneven table or couch. You can use them to smash all the To My Surprise cds that still haunt FYE’s Used CD sections across the country. You can finally replace that missing hubcap on your back passenger side tire. Patch holes in your double-wide. Scoop pork rinds out of the bag with out getting your fingers greasy. Cut two eye holes in them, tie them around your face and become a new superhero named Angst Lad, Smasher Of Parents Who Just Don’t Understand You. The sky is the limit.

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