Nux Vomica are calling it quits.


After three full-lengths, three EPs, and three splits, Nux Vomica, one of the raddest crusty death metal bands to ever rampage across the US, is calling it quits.

At right around noon today (Thursday, 5/18), the band posted the image above to Facebook with the following caption:

Well folks, it’s been real. Our last attempt at resurrecting the old fux dramica didn’t go so well, and we’ve decided to call it a day once and for all. Thank you SO FUCKING MUCH to everyone who has supported us over the years. We can’t express how much this project meant to us, and how rewarding it was to know that so many people appreciated it. Thank you.

We are offloading all of our remaining merch, which is quite a bit. 50% or more of the profits are going to be donated to Planned Parenthood, an organization that is under threat from the current establishment, that we feel is vital to our communities. We are also releasing the remaining copies of our self titled LP that has been sold out until now. Have at it.

Seriously, we fucking love you all.
nucky v
(ps, please share this post!)

Yikes, sounds like there was some bad blood in the Nux Vomica camp. I hope calling it quits helps all parties involved find some peace and relief, but it will be a shame to see them go. Their last record, the self-titled Nux Vomica was a hell of a barn-burner, one that blended a slipshod punk ferocity with killer melodeath riffs to forge an irresistible three-track banger. So impressed was I with this record that I even praised Danny, Tim, and Just Dave’s vocals on “Choked at the Roots” when I wrote a defense of vocals in metal in the early days of the blog. Nux Vomica rips, y’all.

If you want to pay a fond farewell to the band and/or support their charity of choice, make sure you swing by Bandcamp. They still have quite a bit of merch to offload.

Adios, Nux Vomica.

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